Amazon Prime Video is tightening its account-sharing rules. Amazon has introduced new restrictions on the number of devices that can access a single account. Starting January 2025, subscribers will be limited to logging in on five devices per account. Only two of those devices can be televisions.

What’s Changing?

Currently, Amazon Prime subscribers can log in to up to 10 devices simultaneously, including phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs.

  • Device Limit: A maximum of five devices can access the account at a time.
  • TV Restriction: Only two TVs can be logged in and streaming simultaneously. If a third TV attempts to log in, users will need to log out from one of the previously active devices.

To provide flexibility, Amazon allows subscribers to remove or replace up to two devices every 30 days.

“As part of your Prime membership, you and your household are entitled to enjoy Prime Video on up to five devices. Starting January 2025, we are updating our usage terms in India to include up to two TVs as part of your five devices entitlement. You can manage your devices on your Settings page or buy another Prime membership to watch Prime Video on more devices,” Amazon’s updated policy note reads.

Despite these restrictions, Prime Video will continue to provide unlimited ad-free streaming, access across supported devices, and streaming in up to five devices, with support for two TVs.

Amazon Prime membership plans in India offer various options including Monthly Plan, Quarterly Plan, Annual Plan, Prime Lite Annual Plan, and Prime Shopping Edition. Prime Shopping Edition subscription does not offer Prime Video. Prime Lite offers Prime Video, but only across 2 devices in HD quality.

Read: Amazon Prime vs Prime Lite


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