SSC Exams: Urdu Medium Students Given Wrong English Paper At Latur Centre; Probe Underway | File Pic
Latur: Several students appearing for SSC exams were given the wrong question paper at a centre in Latur on Saturday, an official said.
The incident took place at Vimalabai Deshmukh School, he added.
Statement Of An Official
“Some 21 students of the Urdu medium section were given First Language English (03) paper instead of English (17) paper. When students pointed out the mistake, they were made to wait at the exam centre for three hours while rectification measures were taken. It distressed the students since the paper handed over to them was not part of their syllabus,” he said.
The mistake took place due a new clerk’s lack of experience in deciphering the colour codes allotted to question papers, said SA Koyale, chief of the exam centre.
“The SSC board has been informed about the issue and I will also be sending a report on it,” Koyale said.
The principals of SA Jagirdar Secondary School, Maulana Azad High School, Siraj-ul-Uloom Girls High School and Osmania Urdu High School have urged the Block Education Officer of Ahmedpur to take immediate action.
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