Laura Barron-Lopez:

Well, it’s done little to ease the confusion and the fear, Geoff.

And so just one example, a White House official said that Meals on Wheels, the program that delivers food to seniors and some disabled people, would not be affected. Meals on Wheels said that’s not how they’re approaching this, that they are — quote — “still flying completely blind,” they told us.

And so, while all of this is happening, Geoff, federal workers are also facing a lot of confusion, because the Office of Personnel Management, essentially the government’s H.R., sent an e-mail yesterday to federal employees seeking mass resignations, giving them the option to say yes to this resignation up until next week.

And they’re told that if they agree to step — to take this resignation, that they could potentially work from home. But it’s not clear exactly how the White House is able to do this.


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