Bhubaneswar: A third-year B-Tech student of a private engineering college here died allegedly by suicide in her hostel, police said on Monday.
The deceased was identified as Prakriti Lamsal from Nepal. She was a B-Tech third-year student of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), the Registrar said.
Statement Issued By The Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology
KIIT in a statement said: “A Nepali student studying in the third year of B-Tech committed suicide in the hostel yesterday. It is suspected that the student was in a love affair with another student studying at KIIT. It is suspected that the student may have committed suicide due to some reason.” The KIIT said that the incident was immediately reported to the police.
Since there was mild tension among the Nepali students studying at KIIT over the girl’s death, the university authorities had a discussion with the agitating foreign students. “Keeping in view the situation, the Nepal students have been sent to their respective homes. The situation presently remained calm,” the KIIT said.
Two platoons (1 platoon comprise 30 personnel) of police force police force were deployed to maintain law and order situation in the campus.
“The police have sealed the deceased girl’s room and kept the body at the mortuary till the arrival of her parents,” a varsity official said.
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