Health problems are nothing but pent-up stress built and unattended issues of life. When they get collected in our emotional bank, when they crowd our mind, they create heart problems, digestion problems etc. These collected emotions also create fear, insecurities, despair and a sense of hopelessness, pain, disgruntledness, grudges etc.

Major cause

Some of the major causes on stress are:

a) Anxiety.

b) Incessant thinking with fear, insecurity, irritation. Speed of life creates stress.

c) Uncertainty of times coming ahead with lack of sleep.

d) Unhappiness and disappointment of the way things are in life.

e) Matters of the past constantly haunting you and much more. Every such mental and emotional condition perceived by the mind in its unnatural non-rhythmic state out of sync and flow.

Stress begins to kill the enthusiasm of life. Stress restricts and constricts the energy flow of life. The body is always in the fight flight mode and never in a celebratory, free, liberated mode.

Science behind stress

Perceiving the threat (stressor) is the initial stage of the stress reaction. Stressors, whether actual or imagined, always have impact on the brain. The hypothalamus is part of the brain that senses stressor. The hypothalamus carries out certain tasks in response to threats:

Causes the autonomic nerve system (ANS) to become active.

Releases Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH) to stimulate the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis.

Releases the antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin (ADH).

The sympathetic (arousal) and parasympathetic (relaxation) nerve systems make up the autonomic nervous system. Visceral functions like as breathing, digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and some essential organs are all governed by the ANS.

In this state, stress hits your gut too. Digestive juices get restricted, constricted. Elimination of toxins get restricted and constricted. Absorption of the food is extremely poor and flatulence, constipation or loose motions become the order of the day. 

With that, guess what? Of course, the heart beats and the rhythm of the circulatory system and function also suffers. You would certainly feel uneasiness in the heart if the levels of stress goes higher and higher. And the more you give attention to it the more it grows, the more you give importance to it the more it grips your life.


Exercising assists in letting go of the tension, reducing stress and producing feel-good chemicals like endorphins, and other naturally occurring neurochemicals. Take long and deep breaths and do mini-meditations throughout the workday should be done. This will help to keep stress at bay.

Pranayama has the ability to restore, revitalise and reenergise the entire body. Conscious breathing lowers blood pressure (as well as the amount of the stress hormone cortisol) that is present in the body.

Handling stressful and challenging situation consciously can be a powerful way to enhance well-being. It can give profound benefits to physical, mental and emotional health. With greater self-awareness, resilience and balance one can navigate challenges with grace. All this will lead to healed heart and mind.

Healed heart

A ‘healed heart’ represents emotional healing and mental strength. It signifies a condition where past emotional injuries, future worries or any anxieties no longer overshadow one’s everyday life. A person with a healed heart has worked through their suffering, gained insights from it, and emerged with greater understanding and tranquility.

In many respects, a healed heart can be seen as a balanced heart, mind and spirit. The individual can acknowledge and move past previous hurts, releasing resentment or anger. They are receptive to love, connection, and new opportunities, unburdened by unresolved sorrow or trauma. People with healed hearts tend to have a stronger sense of empathy, as they understand firsthand the impact of pain and healing. They may be more compassionate, and mindful about self and others.

A healed heart may embrace life with a renewed sense of hope, knowing that their mental and emotional strength allows them to handle whatever comes next.

(Dr Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website:


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