The New York Times has plenty of word games on its roster today — with Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Mini Crossword, there’s something for everyone — but the newspaper’s standard crossword puzzle still reigns supreme. The daily crossword is full of interesting trivia, helps improve mental flexibility and, of course, gives you some bragging rights if you manage to finish it every day.

While the NYT puzzle might feel like an impossible task some days, solving a crossword is a skill and it takes practice — don’t get discouraged if you can’t get every single word in a puzzle.

If you’re having trouble completing today’s NYT Crossword, we’re here to help. We’ve got all the answers for today’s clues down below.

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NYT Crossword answers today

New York Times


1 Utterance that’s usually made in pairs : TSK

4 Who said “I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music” : BACH

8 “Wow, that’s … amazing!” : OHDAMN

14 Attack words that might be spoken as a compliment : IHATEYOU

16 Classic stop on the vaudeville circuit : PEORIA

17 Ones who should prepare for their day of reckoning? : MATHTEAM

18 How criticism of a pastry chef might be delivered? : TARTLY

19 Word after something, anything or nothing : ELSE

20 A pie to the face, slipping on a banana peel, etc. : SLAPSTICK

22 Blow away : STUN

23 Show for which Eddie Murphy won an Emmy, in brief : SNL

24 Lots and lots : SCADS

26 Peter out : EBB

29 Stanley ___ : CUP

31 Zendaya’s role on “Euphoria” : RUE

32 World’s heaviest snake (up to 500 pounds) : GREENANACONDA

36 Acts of service and words of affirmation, for two : LOVELANGUAGES

37 Time to celebrate female friendship, in a neologism : GALENTINESDAY

38 Put on : ADD

39 Sign of a hit : SRO

40 Fluency-building subj. : ESL

41 “So sorry!” : MYBAD

44 Lee with Oscars : ANG

46 Protective hairstyle, familiarly : LOCS

50 Apple corps? : GENIUSBAR

53 Each : APOP

54 Cattle identifier : EARTAG

55 “Got it?” : AMICLEAR

57 Messy prank : EGGING

58 Club purchase that comes with rules of etiquette : LAPDANCE

59 Young women : LASSES

60 Solutions that sound like problems? : LYES

61 ___-wolf : SHE


1 ___ table : TIMES

2 Must, old-style : SHALT

3 Chicken ___, panko-breaded dish : KATSU

4 Network that broadcasts the N.A.A.C.P. Image Awards : BET

5 Pros : AYES

6 Base for fire-walking : COALS

7 Big shot performer? : HUMANCANNONBALL

8 Picks, with “for” : OPTS

9 Puts in the oven : HEATS

10 Like the exterior columns at the Parthenon : DORIC

11 Best Actor Oscar winner for 1974’s “Harry and Tonto” : ARTCARNEY

12 Candies originally named for their imperfect shape : MILKDUDS

13 “Au contraire” : NAY

15 “How dare they!” : THENERVE

21 Do a deep dive : PLUNGE

25 Huge quantity : SEA

27 Has-___ : BEEN

28 They’re not always kept in the loop : BELTS

30 Breather : PAUSE

32 Title family in a 2013-23 ABC sitcom : GOLDBERGS

33 Dollars : U.S. :: ___ : Nigeria : NAIRAS

34 Heels : CADS

35 Great Plains aquifer that supplies over a quarter of U.S. irrigation water : OGALLALA

36 A star of 2018’s “A Star Is Born” : LADYGAGA

37 School of whales : GAM

42 Cons : ANTIS

43 Keaton of Hollywood : DIANE

45 Loire Valley grape variety : GAMAY

47 Reveals oneself, with “up” : OPENS

48 Certain airplane seating : COACH

49 What a bout! : SPREE

51 Down Under wear : UGGS

52 Funky : RIPE

54 Fish that can have two sets of jaws : EEL

56 Alternatives to vinyl : CDS


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