Navi Mumbai: Following the complaints by the residents about the condition of books of the ‘books in bus’ library, the civic body has the library with new stock. The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Transport (NMMT) launched the unique ‘Books in Bus’ initiative, a mobile library on its Volvo air-conditioned buses, in January 2022.

“This initiative have been receiving an excellent response from citizens since its inception. The concept was introduced in collaboration with the ‘Let’s Read Foundation’ to provide passengers with quality books to read during long journeys, enriching their knowledge and information. In a short time, this initiative gained popularity among passengers,” said an officer from Navi Mumbai Muncipal Corporation (NMMC).

However, passengers frequently reported that the books in the bus-based mini-libraries had become worn out due to regular handling. Additionally, readers expressed a demand for newly published popular books to be included in these libraries.

Addressing these requests, the mini-libraries have been renovated with brand-new Marathi and English books covering a wide range of topics, ensuring a refreshing reading experience.

Currently, the ‘Books in Bus’ initiative operates on select buses serving routes 42 (EV-AC) from Vashi Railway Station to Dombivli, route 56 (Volvo AC) from Mansarovar Railway Station to Kalamboli Police Headquarters, route 62 (EV-AC) from Vashi Railway Station to Kalyan, and route 73 (Volvo AC) from Panvel Railway Station to Kalyan.


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