Notably, Bangladesh is currently facing a tumultuous period following a student-led movement that led to the ousting of Former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The movement was sparked by a series of violent incidents, including attacks on Hindus and other minorities, as well as the demolition of Hindu temples.

India has lodged a strong protest with the Bangladesh side on the post of Bangladeshi leader Mahfuz Alam, a key aide to interim leader Muhammed Yunus. The post has now been taken down. India gave a stern warning to Bangladesh, saying them to ‘be mindful of their public comments.”

MEA Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, “We have registered our strong protest on this issue with the Bangladesh side. We understand that the post being referred to has reportedly been taken down. We would like to remind all concerned to be mindful of their public comments. While India has repeatedly signalled interest in fostering relations with the people and the interim government of Bangladesh, such comments underline the need for responsibility in public articulation…”

Mahfuz Alam , a key aide of Muhammad Yunus, had stoked controversy through his Facebook post suggesting annexation of parts of India. He had made his remarks on December 16, Victory Day, a national holiday in the country over commemoration of its victory over the Pakistani army in the 1971 Liberation.

Notably, Bangladesh is currently facing a tumultuous period following a student-led movement that led to the ousting of Former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The movement was sparked by a series of violent incidents, including attacks on Hindus and other minorities, as well as the demolition of Hindu temples.

Recently, Chief Advisor Muhammad Yunus announced that Bangladesh’s next general elections could be scheduled between late 2025 and the first half of 2026.

Yunus made the statement during his address to the nation on Victory Day, marking Bangladesh’s victory in 1971.


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