One of the simple tips and tricks RPGs rely on to show how powerful you are is to display your damage in numbers. Avowed does this for every attack and ability you use, meaning you will see a ton of numbers pop up during your adventure. While they can be helpful at times, enemies also have health bars to see how much damage you’re doing so having those numbers pop up can be more distracting than anything else, especially in third-person. Thankfully the game lets you turn these off to get a slightly more grounded experience. Here’s how to quickly toggle this setting off.
How to turn off damage numbers
Damage numbers are always on by default and will pop up whenever an enemy takes damage. That can be from an attack, skill, or status effect like burning. If you’re stick of seeing all these numbers, follow these steps to disable them.
Step 1: Pause the game and go into Settings.
Step 2: Go into the UI tab.
Step 3: Scroll down to the HUD Setting section and find Damage Numbers.
Step 4: Change it from On to Off.
You are always free to turn damage numbers back on from this menu, but you won’t be missing out on anything if you prefer to have them off.