Mumbai: A candidate appearing for the Government Diploma in Co-operation and Accountancy (GDCA) examination, conducted by the Maharashtra Government, has alleged rampant malpractice during the assessment. The examinee claims that invigilators turned a blind eye to mass cheating, allowing it to persist unchecked throughout the duration of the exam.

Shashivadana Shetty, one of the examinees, reported that a group of candidates openly copied answers from textbooks, with no intervention from the invigilators throughout the three days of examination. “Shortly, 5 minutes after the examination commenced, several candidates left for the washrooms and returned carrying textbooks,” she stated.

Shetty further alleged that the individuals involved appeared to be familiar with one another and were already employed in the cooperative bank sector, potentially sent to acquire certification. “Clearing the GDCA examination and obtaining certification is a prerequisite for securing higher positions within financial institutions,” she explained.

Shetty, who sat for the examination in May of the previous year at K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), raised concerns that such unethical practices were not isolated incidents but rather seemed to be a recurring issue.

“When I confronted the invigilators regarding the blatant misconduct, they assured me they would address it, yet no action was taken,” she told the Free Press Journal.

Additionally, she noted discrepancies in the seating arrangements. While the official allocation of seats was based on the alphabetical order of candidates’ surnames, those engaged in cheating were seated together in an irregular manner and in a different row. “I discovered this because my assigned seat, along with those of two other candidates beside me, followed alphabetical order. However, the individuals involved in the malpractice were seated without any adherence to this system,” she remarked.

The GDCA diploma, awarded by the Government of Maharashtra’s GDC & A Board, is a professional qualification aimed at individuals pursuing careers in cooperative management and accountancy.


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