Central Railway has applauded Travelling Ticket Inspector (TTI) Rubina Akib Inamadar from the Tejaswini 2 Batch of the Mumbai Division for achieving a remarkable milestone. She set a new record with an outstanding single-day performance in ticket checking.

Her dedication and efficiency have earned her well-deserved recognition from the railways.
Impressive revenue collection
In a day, Rubina successfully identified 150 cases of irregular or ticketless travel. It resulted in a significant contribution to railway revenue.

Her efforts led to the collection of Rs 45705 including Rs 16430 from 57 first-class ticketless travel cases.
Central Railway applauds TTI Rubina
Central Railway took to social media to extend their congratulations.
Her diligence and efficiency in enforcing ticket regulations serve as an inspiration to her peers.
Rubina’s outstanding contribution showcases the crucial role of TTI in streamlining railway operations.