Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Amid fear of digital arrest, the BJP MLA Abhilash Pandey raised the issue in Assembly on Wednesday, demanding a strict law to deal with the threat. He raised the issue by moving the call attention motion. He said recently a person in Bhopal remained digitally arrest for five days.

Similar incident took place in Jabalpur. He said government should take firm steps to deal with the burning issue. Minister of state Narendra Shivaji Patel said there was no law regarding digital arrest.

The mentally weak persons are falling victim to digital arrest though Rs 72 lakh were returned to victims. Union government has developed a website where people can lodge complaint. One can also seek assistance on helpline and can contact the police.

As many as 13 forensic units are working in the state and so far 317 cyber training programmes have been organised. Abhilash Pandey demanded strong law against people who are involved in the data leak cases.

Narendra Shivaji Patel said that there was provision of centre to deal with data leak. He said people should be made more aware about digital arrest to address the issue.


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