Almost all of us have heard or read that we are souls. But very few people are aware of this fact in their daily lives, and fewer still make the effort to think, speak and act with this awareness all the time. So, what difference does it really make? Well! It makes all the difference.
Because the soul is a tiny, sentient point of light that is the source of life in a living being. It is when a soul enters a human body that it comes to be called a human being. Though it resides in a perishable body, the soul is imperishable; it cannot be destroyed, and it does not die. The soul has no caste, nationality, race or gender. It gets labelled on these lines according to the circumstances of its birth and its later life.
The eternal religion of all souls is peace, and their eternal relationship is of brotherhood in a spiritual family. But this spiritual identity, qualities and relationship have been forgotten by most of us.
As a result of this, we identify each other by the labels we have created: of gender, nationality, religion, race, etc. Which creates feelings of rejection, mistrust, fear, hostility and hatred towards the ‘others,’ i.e., those who do not carry the same labels as ‘Us.’
National boundaries and social divisions are the result of these feelings, which cause people with the same labels to bond together to protect what they see as their common interests. All conflicts in the world can be traced to such negative feelings, and every effort, be it political or social, to resolve these conflicts fails or succeeds only superficially because they do not address the root causes of these problems.
Hence, what needs to be realised by everyone is that a world of universal peace, happiness and prosperity can be created only when people return to their spiritual identity and relate to each other with spiritual awareness. Remember! When we see each other as souls, as children of one Supreme, it leaves no room for suspicion or hostility.
At the same time, the knowledge that every soul has a unique role in this world helps us appreciate differences of opinion, nature and inclinations. When we interact with others with this knowledge, we are able to create harmonious relationships where everyone can express his or her unique qualities and is accepted and respected unconditionally. When this realisation affects a critical number of people, it will bring about change on a global scale. The world will then become a place of lasting peace, harmony and happiness.
By Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj Ji ( —
(Writer is a spiritual educator&popular columnist for publications across India,Nepal & UK. Till Date 8500+ Published Columns have been written by Him)