Geoff Bennett:

The election may have ended over a month ago. The election may have ended over a month ago, but today is the day Donald Trump’s victory becomes official.

Across the country, hundreds of presidential electors are gathering in their respective states to cast their Electoral College votes, an often ceremonial, but essential step in the process of confirming the election results.

To help us break this down and explain its significance, we’re joined now by Jessica Huseman, editorial director of Votebeat. That’s a news organization focused on elections and the voting process.

Welcome back.

And I have to say, we’re glad you’re here because we have reported extensively this past year on election security and the integrity of the voting process, so we thought it fitting to see this process all the way through.

When we say that the Electoral College is convening in all 50 states, help us understand what that actually means.


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