The British lost every time.

New Delhi: Indian heritage and tradition has been very rich. The prosperity of this place can be gauged from the fact that the British made it their colony only for the purpose of looting. They ruled here for 200 years and that is why the imprint of their culture is deep on Indian states. However, there was a state which the British could never enslave.

We all know how the British had subjugated the whole of India and ruled it for hundreds of years. They exploited the Indian public a lot, but there is also a state of this country where their dream to rule could not be realised. They could never conquer it. After all, how was it possible that this state was saved from the oppression of the British?

It is not that there was no wealth in this state or it was not beautiful, it is still the number one choice of tourists for its beauty. We are talking about Goa, a very beautiful state surrounded by the sea. This state was saved from the rule of the British, due to the Portuguese.

They reached India in the year 1498 before the British. Vasco da Gama discovered India, only after that the Portuguese started trading here. During this time there were many wars between the British and the Portuguese, but Goa was never under the British.

The British arrived in Surat, India in 1608. They took away Indian resources and wealth to their country by doing trade. Gradually, they also started occupying the country. However, they had to leave India in 1947.

The state of Goa of India was not under their rule and even when the whole country became independent, Goa remained under Portuguese rule. The Portuguese stayed in India for about 400 years.

Goa remained under Portuguese rule until they left in 1961.


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