Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): The Enforcement Directorate raided eight locations related to former senior sub-registrar KK Arora in Madhya Pradesh. on Friday morning. Raids were conducted at several locations, including Navodaya Hospital in Indrapuri in Bhopal and CP Colony in Murar in Gwalior.

Arora is said to be associated with former RTO constable Saurabh Sharma, an accused in a money laundering case. He has also worked as Vinay Haswani’s business partner.

Notably, a few days ago, an abandoned car loaded with 52 kg of gold and Rs 11 crore in cash was found at Vinay Haswani’s farmhouse in Mendori, Bhopal. Haswani is the son-in-law of former DSP Munish Rajoria, maternal uncle of former RTO constable Saurabh Sharma.

According to neighbours, KK Arora and his wife left home 25 days ago, the same time when the IT department seized 52 kg of gold and Rs 11 crore in cash from the abandoned car.

The Aroras are said to be in Bengaluru. Two tenants, who live in their house, are being questioned. The ED team locked the tenants inside the house during the raid. Their children were also not allowed to go to school.

Ex-RTO Constable Sharma built empire worth crores of rupees

Saurabh Sharma, who was a constable in the Transport Department, and his close associates are accused of executing financial irregularities at check posts across the state.

Sharma built an illegal empire worth crores in the state in just 12 years of service. Originally from Gwalior, he got a compassionate appointment in place of his father. His lifestyle changed in just a few years of service. When complaints started being made to the Transport Department and other investigation agencies, Saurabh decided to take VRS or voluntary retirement.

Following the retirement, he started investing lumpsum amount in real estate projects.

He is currently absconding and a lookout notice has been issued against him.


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