Not Reading Instructions Carefully: Ignoring or misinterpreting instructions can cost students valuable marks, especially when asked to follow specific formats or answer types.
Skipping Revision: Overlooking the revision stage can lead to missed concepts or overlooked mistakes in the answer sheet, affecting overall performance.
Overwriting or Making Erasures: Overwriting or erasing too much can make answers unclear. It’s better to neatly cross out and rewrite to maintain clarity.
Neglecting the Marking Scheme: Not understanding the weightage of questions can lead students to spend too much time on less important topics, neglecting the more heavily-marked ones.
Not Attempting All Questions: Students sometimes skip questions they find difficult, missing out on the opportunity to score marks for partial answers or any effort made.
Mismanagement of the Exam Duration: Spending too much time on one question and not enough on others can lead to unfinished answers or rushing through the final sections.
Leaving Questions Unanswered Due to Stress: Exam anxiety can result in students leaving questions blank or not attempting them, even when they have a chance to answer.


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