Geoff Bennett:

Today marks five years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, the day everything changed.

In a quick succession of events, schools and businesses shut down, lockdowns were put in place, travel halted, and hospitals were overcapacity with sick Americans who hoped the virus would go away in a matter of weeks. But it didn’t.

Globally, COVID-19 has killed more than seven million people, including more than 1.2 million Americans, in the process leaving lasting marks on how we connect, work and live.

We’re joined now by Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University School of Public Health. He was the COVID response coordinator at the White House for former President Joe Biden.

Thanks for being with us. We appreciate it.

Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean, Brown University School of Public Health: Thanks for having me back.


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